A83: Self Executing Programs


A83: Self Executing Programs

I have been toying with a few ideas lately.  One of
which was an assembly program (unsquished but possibly
squished if you write a small loader) that executes
itself, without having to have a seperate file to do a

  I played with it for a while and couldnt get it
right, so I though I would throw it out to the list to
see what ya'll could come up with.

Anyways, here is the jest of the Basic Code...


1809  ; Basic ignores this, but it is a jr
Send(9prgmA    ; Execute itself
C9    (this is the start of your program)
End  (standard ending)

The amount of bytes that it is jumping may be wrong, I
just glanced over it, remember you have to count the
returns too (3fh)

I couldn't get it to work properly, but I don't know
if the problem is that it doesnt like to execute
itself, or that it has a wrong # of bytes (most
likely), or what ever...  I tried a hell of alot of
things, and nothing seemed to work.

Well let me know if anyone has an ideas on how to get
this to work.

Jimmy Conner

»      TIMagic@goatse.cx     «
»  http://www.zed80asm.org   «
» http://www.timagic.cjb.net «

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