RE: A83: getString routine


RE: A83: getString routine

See comments in the code...
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: ti-83 []
Verzonden: dinsdag 20 juni 2000 18:23
Aan: Assembly-83
Onderwerp: A83: getString routine

Does someone can explain me these routine, particulary text wich are in bold ? I found it in Periodic Table 2.0 of Ahmed El-Helw. There is a list of elements. How does the program do to put the good string in hl.
ld hl,Elements
ld a,[number of the element : 1=Hydrogen, 2=Helium]
call getString
;---------= Point hl to string a =---------
; by: Joe Wingerbermuhle
; Thanks, this is a lot easier than my
; method of multiplying string # * 12
; Input: a=string number (0 to 255)
;  hl->string data
; Output: hl->string
         or a ; same as 'cp 0' but faster and smaller
         ret z
         ld b,a
         xor a
         push bc
         ld c,-1 ; c= -1 or c=254
         cpir ; cp (hl); inc hl; dec bc; continue while  a<>(hl) and while bc>0
         pop bc
         djnz getStringL1
        .db "Hydrogen",0
        .db "Helium",0
        .db "Lithium",0
        .db "Beryllium",0
        .db "Boron",0
        .db "Carbon",0
        .db "Nitrogen",0
        .db "Oxygen",0
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