Re: A83: ROM calls in ION
Re: A83: ROM calls in ION
In a message dated 7/9/00 1:52:16 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:
> I am translating a TI-83 game to ION but have some problems. When I
> I get an error saying that it doesn't recognize certain labels such as _
> ckop1pos and _invsub. Other calls on _puts, _vputs, _clrlcdfull, etc. are
> The problem seems to only be with calls that deal with utility routines.
> Is there a problem with utility routines in ION? Am I doing something
> I appreciate any help that anyone can provide me. Thanks in advance.
> Hamster1000
Errors during compilation have nothing to do with the functionality of ION.
You are getting errors on those romcalls simply because they are not defined
in yet. However, not all hope is lost, you just have to actually do
some effort on your part, rather than being spoon fed the procedure to
develop a program. Look in the TI-83 and TI-83 Plus include files (do some
searching for those as well, if you dont have them), and then look for the
romcall equates you need, and plug them into the respective sections of, one being the 83 part, and the other being the 83+ part. After doing
that, then it should compile fine. Hopefully you will find the right equates
you need, and not cause yourself trouble when executing the program.