

To all of you as a reaction on the virus apperance:
This day at 01.18 (Listserver time) I posted a message to the list to find an answer to a question I had carried in my head for more than a week without finding an answer to it by myselve. Do to a "too fast reaktion of my sister" (explaned farther down) it brought up another message with it, with the same subject, but no text and only an attachment called HAPPY99.EXE. DO NOT OPEN THIS FILE!!!! It contains a virus called HAPPY99.WORM. This virus, as I know, posts itselve to all outgoing mails on the first time you send a mail to an email account. The secound (and all other) time(s) a message is sent to that account, the virus won't react. I did not know this virus was on my system until I got a message from the listserver telling me, that the virusattachment has been deleted!! BY POSTING MY MESSAGE ON THE SERVER, I DID NOT WANT TO DO ANY HARM TO YOUR SYSTEM AND TO YOURSELVE. This virus as I know came into my system, because my sister, who works on the same computer as me, opened it and showed it to me. All I saw was a little windows window appearing on the screen, showing a "wonderful" firework. The grafik was so bad, that I already thought this had to be a virus. I tested my computer, but no virus was found. After I got the advice from the listserver and you (thanks a lot), I checkt my system once again and found out, that the .dat files of my virus detection program (MCAFEE!!!!!!!!) were to old. After updating the files, my computer finally found a virus in the ska.exe. Trashing this file was the only method to kill the virus. I also think it (yes, the virus) only works with MICROSOFT email-products like Exchange (mine) or other.
So please if you got anybody else working on your computer with emails, be sure to tell them how to avoid virusses: DO NOT OPEN AN ATTACHMENT OF A MAIL, WITHOUT HAVING THE COMPLETE CERTAINTY THAT THIS FILE DOES NOT CONTAIN A VIRUS. PAY MOST ATTENTION ON THE FILEENDINGS: .EXE, .VJC, .BAT, .VBS AND .COM. These are all executible programs which can do harm to your computer.

I AM SORRY FOR POSTING THIS VIRUS, AND FEEL SORRY FOR ANYBODY WHO IS ALSO AFFECTED WITH IT. To clean it, delete C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SKA.EXE and copy it in again with the original version of your windows-cd. After this, I think it should be cleaned away.

Whith best regards and hope of not beeing flamed with it too long, Greez

P.S.: Althought this virus is only a worm, it can bring people to confuseness. So pay attention!!!
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