A83: Highlighting...
A83: Highlighting...
I am trying to get a highlighting routine and I am having a little trouble.
I want it to do like what happens in all highlighting routines like in ION
or Protect. It also erases the text after one movement so it would be nice
if that were eliminated. I think you guy's know what I am talking about.
Is there anyway you could look at the code I have so far and tell me what
needs to be done to create the hightlighting routine that I want. Also, text
can be moved and the spacing of the ber movements can be changed. (ie, the
bars can overlap a little as in ION and Protect) Thanks:
(Please note that this is in the very early stages and all text is not in
the right position for looks but there only for development purposes)
Da' Code:
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#define END .end
.include "ti83asm.inc"
.include "tokens.inc"
kDown .equ 04h
kUp .equ 03h
kClear .equ 09h
.org 9327h
call _runIndicOff
call _clrLCDFull
call _grbufclr
ld a,09h
ld (barmin),a
ld a,15h
ld (barmax),a
ld a,09h
ld (barposition),a
call highlight
call drawmain
call drawmenu
call _getkey
cp kClear
jr z,exit
cp kUp
jr z,up
cp kDown
jr z,down
jp keyloop
call _dispdone
call _homeup
call _clrlcdfull
ld a,(barmax)
ld c,a
ld a,(barposition)
cp c
jr z,keyloop
call highlight
ld a,(barposition)
add a,06h
ld (barposition),a
call highlight
jr keyloop
ld a,(barmin)
ld c,a
ld a,(barposition)
cp c
jr z,keyloop
call highlight
ld a,(barposition)
add a,-06h
ld (barposition),a
call highlight
jr keyloop
ld hl,0001h
ld (PENCOL),hl
ld hl,title
call _vputs
ld hl,0033h
ld (PENCOL),hl
ld hl,name
call _vputs
ld hl,390Bh
ld (PENCOL),hl
ld hl,email
call _vputs
ld hl,0D19h
ld (PENCOL),hl
ld hl,o1
call _vputs
ld hl,1519h
ld (PENCOL),hl
ld hl,o2
call _vputs
ld hl,1D19h
ld (PENCOL),hl
ld hl,o3
jp _vputs
ld hl,(barposition)
ld h,00h
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,de
ld b,12*7
ld a,(hl)
ld (hl),a
inc hl
djnz lightloop
call _grbufcpy_v
title: .db "Title",0
name: .db "Doug Williams",0
email: .db "dougw101@hotmail.com",0
o1: .db "Option 1",0
o2: .db "Option 2",0
o3: .db "Option 3",0
workspace equ $
buffer1 equ workspace
prgmpos equ workspace+14
sp equ workspace+15
barposition equ workspace+17
barmax equ workspace+18
barmin equ workspace+19
Thanks again!
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