Re: A83: Zasmload
Re: A83: Zasmload
It depends on the batch file, but most likely it is not able to output
into the file, so that is why your program isn't working either
Marc Puts wrote:
> Hello, me again.
> First of all, thanks for the help, especially
> Harper, for his clear explanation. I now got
> the program working.
> Here's my next problem. The program is 12k,
> and very slow. So I (succesfully) squished
> the program, and sent it to my calc.
> I created a basic program:
> : "SP
> : Send(9prgmZASMLOAD
> That's all what's needed, right?
> Now when I run the basic prog, I get an ERR:UNDEFINED.
> What am I doing wrong?
> By the way, I HAVE sent zasmload to my calc, so that
> won't be the problem ;)
> O, I have to say this:
> Devpac83's output:
> Success!
> can't open input <-- Is this normal???
> Thanx,
> __ __
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Scott "_Wrath_" Dial
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