Re: A83: hl / (hl) ???
Re: A83: hl / (hl) ???
In a message dated 1/27/00 12:17:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Sorry I'm asking so much, but I think it's the best way to learn ASM!
> What's the difference between hl and (hl) ?
hl can be used for two things -- as a value and an address.
When hl is a value, then hl represents a 16-bit number. For example, ld
hl,683 means that hl=683 (go figure).
If hl is used as a pointer, than you will want to be able to access what hl
points to (because that's the whole point, right? :P). To access the byte
pointed to by hl, you use parenthesis, such as ld a,(hl). Other 16-bit
registers such as de and bc can be used for addressing in this manner as well.
This is an example of how you could copy a zero-terminated string from the
label "string" to whatever de points to:
ld hl,string ;hl points to string
ld a,(hl) ;a is the byte pointed to by hl
or a ;check for 0
ret z ;done
ld (de),a ;the value pointed to by de now contains what is in a
inc hl ;increment pointer to next byte
inc de ;increment other pointer
jr copy_loop ;repeat until we reach a 0
You can do a lot of cool instructions with (hl). In fact, the z80 chip
supports it as it does all the basic registers. So you can do things like
rr (hl) ;rotate byte pointed to by hl to the right
cp (hl) ;compare a to the byte pointed to by hl
or (hl) ;bitwise or a with the byte pointed to by hl
...and many other instructions.
Jonah Cohen