A83: Re: hl / (hl) ???
A83: Re: hl / (hl) ???
Let's say you had a table like this:
Table: .db 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Now if you did this:
ld hl,Table
ld a,(hl)
Now hl points to the Table label. This means that the value stored in hl is the address of Table.
The value in a is 1, because that's the contents of what hl points to.
If you did this:
ld hl,Table+4
the value of (hl) would be 4.
Another example:
Lives: .db 3
If you did this:
ld hl,Lives
dec (hl)
The actual value of hl wouldn't change. But now Lives would look like this in memory:
Lives: .db 2
I hope that helped.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Puts" <marcputs@hetnet.nl>
To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 09:09
Subject: A83: hl / (hl) ???
Sorry I'm asking so much, but I think it's the best way to learn ASM!
What's the difference between hl and (hl) ?
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