RE: A83: On button Interupt
RE: A83: On button Interupt
ya that might work but i want to do onther ok thanx
will that work if someone presses secound and then on? cuz i dont want them
to be able to got out of my program
>From: "Marc Puts" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: A83: On button Interupt
>Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 21:53:19 +0100
>I'm a newbie too, but I believe this will work.
>While running 'on' will be disabled, but as soon
>the program exits (ret), you'll get ERR:BREAK.
>I don't know how to fix this, though.
>Let me know if you can find out.
> call _getkey ;wait for keypress
> cp 00 ;on key pressed?
> jp z,waitforkey ;if so, wait for key again
> ret
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