Re: A83: invert part of screen


Re: A83: invert part of screen

do you mean like text?  If so it's very easy.
the command is:
set textInverse, (iy+textflags) 
now all the text displayed will be white with a black
box around it.  To stop all the text after that from
being inverted the command would be:
res textInverse, (iy+textflags)

Here is an example:

 call _clrLCDFull

  set textInverse, (iy+textflags) ; Sets inverse.

  ld hl,0000h

  ld (CURCOL),hl

  ld hl,str1

  call _vputs

  res textInverse, (iy+textflags) ; Resets inverse.

  ld hl,0100

  ld (CURCOL),hl

  ld hl,str2

  call _puts



  .db "Inverse Text.",0


  .db "Normal Text.   ",0


I hope I helped you.

--- "Fam. Engelen" <> wrote:
> What would be the fastest/best way to invert a
> (variable) part of the screen (a box with something
> in it, for making a menu)?
> Arnout

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