Re: A83: OT: Free DSL


Re: A83: OT: Free DSL

> There's something else about this free DSL "deal" --
> It's limited to one computer -- you can't put multiple
> systems on the line, as you could with a "real" DSL
> connection.  (Or so I've heard.)

Well, about that, in theory that might be true but in reality I don't really
believe in it. A friend of mine has cable modem (at the moment the fastest
affordable connection to the Internet - though not available everywhere (for
example where I live)), and officially he isn't allowed to run a webserver
on it, but he does and up 'till now it still hasn't been terminated by his

Too bad they don't offer such a thing in the Netherlands, by the way. Since
a few months we've got a dozen of free internet-providers, but the
telephone-service doesn't support ADSL yet, only ISDN... (Btw, isn't the
abbrevation ADSL instead of DSL??? At least all documents I read about
it -not that much- referred to it as ADSL. I think A stands for Analog)


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