Re: A83: Re: calc editor
Re: A83: Re: calc editor
On Fri, 7 Jan 2000, Cory Derenburger wrote:
> I think some prople are getting a little involved for ideas. There's
> nothing I hate more then having difficult directions and hard to remember
> things when using a program. I think basic options like upper/lower case,
> tab and save and cpu communication are all what's really needed. I mean,
> come'on, it's a calculator. I think fast, simple and small are what we all
> really need, just a scratch pad for ourselves during class.
Cory, cpu is NOT an abbreviation for computer. A cpu is the chip inside a
computer or calculator that makes it actually work... it does the
"thinking". Saying that the program should communicate with the cpu is
like saying that your arm should communicate with your brain... if it
didn't, it wouldn't do anything.
Daniel Church | "War doesn't determine who is right-
___---^---___ | only who is left." | -anonymous
Version: 3.1
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