Re: A83: How to equ key groups?


Re: A83: How to equ key groups?

On 29 Feb 00, at 13:45, Marc Puts wrote:

How can I equ key groups?

This is a piece of my code:


#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include ""
#include ""
kGroup7 .equ 0bfh			;Group with Clear in it
kClear	.equ 191		; Key Constants

.org 9327h

; -- some stuff that works --

 ld a,0ffh	;Reset keyboard
 out (1),a
 ld a,Group7
 out (1),a 			
 in a,(1)
 cp kClear
 jp ClearPressed

 ; some commands


When compiling this, tasm gives the error "Label Not Found: 

Answer:  Look closely at your label.  It's spelled "kGroup7", not 
"Group7".  If you change that, it should work fine.

Follow-Ups: References: