Re: A83: Confuzed!
Re: A83: Confuzed!
The macro syntax used in isn't TASM compatable. What I did
is copy the corresponding lines from, it's the same thing only in
the right format. Here's the one I have:
#define bcall(xxxx) rst 28h \ .dw xxxx
BJUMP, if you care, is
#define bjump(xxxx) call 50h \ .dw xxxx
I just did all of this a couple of days ago, so I'm not sure, but it
worked for me. Your code looks like it will work to me.
Now, my convoluted method for getting ASM programs on the 83 plus. Create
it using the batch files and directions for the 83 from AsmGuru to
assemble your file. Then, you will have a .83p file. Open it in Graph
Link and do the following: 1. Add AsmPrgm on a new line at the beginning
2. Delete the End: 0000: End thing at the end so that there are no blank
lines after the hex. Upload this to your calculator, and do
Asm(prgmName). This will start your program. If you want to "squish" it
(make each byte in the program = 1 byte in memory and make it load
faster), use AsmComp(prgmName,prgmName2), where Name2 is the "squished"
program's name.
I hope this works for you, it took me quite a lot of confusion before I
finally figured it out.
On Mon, 21 Feb 2000 wrote:
> Thanks for the 83+ help, Jeremy. Deleting the extra half of got
> rid of most of my errors. But I still get 23 TASM errors from
> and it also won't recognize bcall. I don't think switching to obj83 will
> solve that problem. Do you have any advice? I changed to userMem, also.
> Here is my new listing:
> #define equ .equ
> #define EQU .equ
> #define end .end
> #include ""
> #define kClear 09h
> .org userMem
> begin:
> DI
> LD A,001H
> OUT (003H),A
> LD A,000H
> OUT (004H),A
> EI
> bcall(_getKey)
> CP kClear
> JP nz,begin
> .end
> It won't recognize BCALL, lowercase or uppercase.
> Once again befuddled,
> Asm83P <-- my IRC name