A83: Re: What does ihmo stand for?
A83: Re: What does ihmo stand for?
it is IMHO, i think and it stands for
In My Humble Opinion
> On 21 Feb 00, at 15:50, David Phillips wrote:
> > Anyway, I'm going to get a Ti-86 in about a week, is
> > writing in assembly for the 86 any different from the
> > 83? And if so, how?
> Yeah, it's different. The 86 is the easiest calculator and, imho, the
> best to program. It doesn't have crappy shells and libraries. It has
> static, fixed relocation and as much scratch memory for use during
> program execution than all the other Z80 calcs have altogether. It
> has a much better display and does grayscale. And the screen is
> bigger. You definitely want the 86 :)
> > Could anyone give any tips as to if there is better
> > software to use, a better tutorial, or just anything
> > in general I need to know to get started. I need
> > someone to point me in the right direction :)
> Download Assembly Studio and VTI:
> http://asmstudio.acz.org/
> http://vti.acz.org/
> Install asm studio and look at the sample programs. Change the text,
> change where it displays stuff, etc. Figure out exactly how and why
> they work. Put the cursor on an instruction and hit F1 to get help on
> it. The same goes for most ROM calls.
> > Also, I'm about to go to Barnes & Noble to buy a book
> > about programming the Z80 processor. Is this a good
> > idea?
> Don't bother. You won't find anything.
> My only question is what does ihmo stand for? I never figured it out.