Re: A83: IS>(
Re: A83: IS>(
JakeGuilbo asked:
> What would be a good way to implement the basic loop:
>in asm? >
This is probably really inefficient but it should get the job done. Help me
out if I forgot anything.
#DEFINE varI 8265h
#DEFINE varN 8267h
.org 9327h
call _zerooop1 ;Get sysvar N
ld hl,op1+1
ld (hl),'N'
call _rclvarsym
call _convop1
ld a,e
ld (varN),a
call _zerooop1 ;Get sysvar I
ld hl,op1+1
ld (hl),'I'
call _rclvarsym
call _convop1
ld a,e
inc a ;IS>(I,N)
ld bc,(varN)
sub a,c
jp z,IislessthanorequaltoN
jp sp,IisgreaterthanN
;command here if I is less than or equal to N
jp Done
;command here if I is greater than N
rest of prog
The only difference is that if I< or =N, it will execute the needed command
and skip the next, whereas IS> would execute both. This can be remedied by
taking out the "jp Done".
btw Linus Wrote:
>> sorry i can't answer that for you
>ROTFLMHO!.. Thanks, I needed that laugh...
You think that's funny, you should see his AOL profile.