Re: A83: Archive and UnArchive
Re: A83: Archive and UnArchive
On 31 Jan 00, at 20:39, wrote:
> Ok now I got question for the TI-83+ programers.
> I know that if go the Mem screen their is two commands their "Archive"
> and "UnArcive" these work outside a program but if you put them inside
> a program I get a Invalid error. I'm trying to make this one program
> which is probaly going to be a bit on big side and i was going to use
> the Archive to free up some ram space to avoid Mem error.
You can use it, but not on progs. You should archive other
variables like matricies and pics, which is what I did with Tomb
Raider 83.
They say one has to be good in this business. Well I'm better.
-The Godfather