Re: A83: displaying user str0-9


Re: A83: displaying user str0-9

>Ti-BASIC strings...
>You should be familiar with Str0 to Str9 if you ever programmed on your Ti
>in BASIC...
I don't know much about ASM, but I've read in Asmguru a tutorial about 
displaying strings. This program I've copied from. Sorry for that. If you've 
got Asmguru, look at tutorial 26.

#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include ""
#include ""
_errundefined .equ 467Bh
strngobj .equ 04h
.org 9327h
     call _zerooop1      ; clear op1
     ld hl,op1           ; load var name for Str1 into op1
     ld (hl),strngobj    ;
     inc hl              ;
     ld (hl),tvarstrng   ;
     inc hl              ;
     ld (hl),tstr1       ;
     call _chkfindsym    ; look it up
     jp c,_errundefined  ; error if not found
     push de             ;
     pop hl              ; hl -> string address
     call _ldhlind       ; hl -> string size
     push hl             ;
     pop bc              ; bc -> string size
     inc de              ;
     inc de              ; de -> string data
     ld a,(de)           ; get character
     call _putc          ; draw character
     inc de              ; next character
     dec bc              ; decrement counter
     ld a,b              ; see if bc is at 0
     or c                ;
     jr nz,sloop         ;
     call _newline       ; move to a new line

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