> How can I display a string in str0 till str9 correctly? _puts only works with
> alphanumeric characters.
> Thanks!
> Micha.
Maybe a bit late, but... (It was Christmas you see...)
The point is that Str0 to Str9 are in 'tokens' they are decoded in a way you can display things like 'prgm' with only 2 bytes. This is also handy for the TIOS, because it doesn't have to check if you typed 'P'+'R'+'G'+'M' but can just read such a token.
_puts thinks that every string is in 'ASCII' (sort of...) and won't display your string right...
But this call will do it. First check where the string is (_chkfindsym...), so DE is the first character/token and call _GDISPTOKEN.
If it's something more complicated, ask it again and maybe someone will explain it to you.
I don't think there is a ROMcall that does it all-in-one... (checking where the string is and displaying it in one time, including newlines, etc. etc.)
+- _GDISPTOKEN -----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| | 4B20 | 4B20 | 4B20 | 4B20 | 4B20 | 4B20 | 4B20 |
| Call to: | ???? | ???? | ???? | ???? | 3290 | ???? | ???? |
input: (CURGY) = y-coord/pixel row to start writing
(CURGX) = x-coord/pixel col to start writing
DE = token to display
output: carry = set if it hit right edge of screen
destroyed: ????
description: Decode a token an write it's string to the LCD & PLOTSSCREEN
using variable font.