Re: A83: ZiLOG App Dev question on multi-line text


Re: A83: ZiLOG App Dev question on multi-line text

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 15:29:50 +0100, you wrote:

>Another option would be to use 'Lenter' in your string, its the equate for
>a cariagereturn + linefeed. I think that it's smaller that way.
> .DB "Bla1",Lenter,"Bla2"
>-will give you as output:
>Correct me if I'm wrong...
>	Henk Poley

Well i used Lenter like you suggested and it compiles fine but when
its ran in the debugger it said that this app uses more rom pages than
available but when i have all seperate strings it runs fine

Thanks for the suggestion at least
