Re: A83: Calling all great programmers!!
Re: A83: Calling all great programmers!!
He's not saying you are "incompetent", he is saying that you should get off
your butt and put in a little effort yourself, instead of whining that no
one will walk you through everything personally. There are plenty of
tutorials and pages on getting started. For example, the Asm Guru help file
explains everything that you are asking. If programming for two years in
TI-BASIC made you as good as you think that you are, then why are you still
having trouble?
Try checking out Assembly Studio 8x. It allows you to create 83+ programs
just by changing the output plugin. I think someone might even have written
one for the 83 as well. Or, download Bin2Var, Tasm, and use the batch file
included with Bin2Var to assemble your programs for Ion. I do somewhat
sympathize with you. One of the hardest things of programming for a new
platform is writing the "Hello world" program. Once you get that done, and
can run it, programming is actually possible. The easiest way is to try
compiling someone else's source that you know works. Download Ion, and use
the Bin2Var setup to compile one of the sample programs (not that I care if
you use Bin2Var, but because I wrote it so that *I* could actually compile
stuff for the 83/83+).
> Are you calling me incompitent. Just to let you know I've been
> programing in TI-BASIC for two years now and I'm pretty darn good. Maybe
> my problem is unclear, I need help with the logic behind some of this
> stuff not what commands to use once I have the logic. Your telling me
> there's info at well I'll check it out. Thanks.