A83: $!@#!$% TASM error!


A83: $!@#!$% TASM error!

When I compile my program I get these errors:

dwedit.inc line 0482: Label must pre-exist for SET: (_CircCmd)
dwedit.inc line 0489: Label must pre-exist for SET: (_CkOP1Real)
dwedit.inc line 0490: Label must pre-exist for SET: (_CkOP2FP0)
dwedit.inc line 0491: Label must pre-exist for SET: (_CkOP2Pos)
dwedit.inc line 0492: Label must pre-exist for SET: (_CkOP2Real)
dwedit.inc line 0494: Label must pre-exist for SET: (_CkValidNum)
dwedit.inc line 0495: Label must pre-exist for SET: (_CleanAll)
dwedit.inc line 0498: Label must pre-exist for SET: (_CLineS)
dwedit.inc line 0499: Label must pre-exist for SET: (_CLN)

those errors never appeared before and the lines:

_CircCmd                    .equ     47D4h
_CkInt                    .equ     4234h
_CkOdd                    .equ     4237h
_CkOP1C0                 .equ     4225h
_CkOP1Cplx                 .equ     40FCh
_CkOP1FP0                    .equ     4228h
_CkOP1Pos                    .equ     4258h
_CkOP1Real                    .equ     40FFh
_CkOP2FP0                    .equ     422Bh
_CkOP2Pos                    .equ     4255h
_CkOP2Real                    .equ     42DFh
_CkPosInt                    .equ     4231h
_CkValidNum                    .equ     4270h
_CleanAll                    .equ     4A50h
_ClearRect                    .equ     4D5Ch
_ClearRow                    .equ     4CEDh
_CLineS                     .equ     479Bh
_CLN                              .equ     4EA0h

seem pretty valid to me, and they worked before without errors!

What the !#^$!@%$! is up?!
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