Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]


Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]

I've noticed that there's some interest in "undocumented" ROM entry points
and that sort of thing.  I'll provide information on the entry points if
some one is willing to keep track of it all and write it up.  I don't do
much on the 83 anymore, but if anyone wants to spit out a TI-83 Plus
undocumented ROM entry point (you can pick randomly, or however you like),
say every week or so, I'll send infos on it.

Hope this helps,
-Dan Englender

----- Original Message -----
From: "Emir Sakic" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]

> >I also heard something about a "sdk83pguide" what is it, is it usefull to
> >me, and where to find it (URL...)
> As you will surely notice it's VERY useful :)
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