A83: ROMcall reference


A83: ROMcall reference

I've learned that nothing comes to you if you don't ask..

So, what do you think if I'm going to ask questions weekly about ROMcalls I
don't know much about, on this Mailinglist? So I can add them to the

There are possibly about 5000 ( = 52E5h / 4 ) ROMcalls in the Jumptable,
and it would be impossible to try them all myself, and than knowing that
there are probably other people who know more about them...
(Not to think about newly discovered ROMcalls somewhere outside the

Just about 10 every week (in one mail...)

	Henk Poley

PS: Does anybody know a good Win9x text editor, because WordPad is really
slo-o-o-w-ing do-o-o-w-w-n with files over 100KB.
