Re: A83: Help with my rpg
Re: A83: Help with my rpg
reading from a "list" is really simple.
ld hl,var ; hl is a pointer to memory label "var"
ld a,(hl) ; returns the element stored at hl
; to get an element farther down the list
ld de,2 ; register de= length
add hl,de ; move the pointer "de" spaces down the list
ld b,(hl) ; returns element at hl (you can load into most registers)
for more information i suggest you check out asm guru. If you are planning
on implementing a tilemap routine, i have a fairly simple one that fills a
8x12 grid with 8x8 sprites. That is located at
At 03:45 PM 8/31/00 -0400, you wrote:
>To jedrake: Thanks for the code.
>To gte172i: I would try to write it in asm, but the problem is, What i want
>to know, (loading info from list type stuff) i can't find any tutorials about
>it. And i also need something to do during some of my classes....
>I plan to eventually change it all into asm but for now this seems like the
>best option for me....
>Oh and if anyone has any tutorials for reading a list(something like this:
> .db 5,5,6
>and get the 3rd number )
>please tell me