A83: Re: 83+ Tutorials
A83: Re: 83+ Tutorials
They're quite nice, unfortunatly you didn't make most of the fixes I
originally suggested...
2)In Tutorial 3, this sample code is shown:
xor a
ld (curRow),a
ld hl,curRow
ld hl,(curRow)
...The tutorial states that the second output of DispHL will be 0. However,
since you only curRow is initialized to zero, when the 16 bit number located
at curRow is loaded to HL, it may not be zero (specifically if curCol is not
3) In tutorial 9, in the exercises section it says that the floating point
number '807F0133333333' would equal 0.133333333. This isn't true, to get
0.133333333 you'd want '007F1333333330'
4) This is more of a suggestion, but in Tutorial 20, when displaying a
dialog box, it makes much more sense to use the built in Rectangle entry
points than using a bunch of ILines. Using ILines does not clear the inside
of the dialog box, and is generally slower than using the rectangle
routines. (Not to mention that the UI guidelines state that you should
clear a one pixel rectangle outside the edge of the dialog box)
5) From tutorial 3 "Register names are quite simple: A, B, C, D, E, F, H,
L. The 16-bit register pairs consist of AF, BE, DE, and HL" ... BE? =)
(Personally, I don't like the way the scrolling menu routine is done, but of
course, if it works, it's better than nothing :)
-Dan Englender
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Matthews" <jmatthews@generation5.org>
To: "Assembly-83" <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 11:33 AM
Subject: A83: 83+ Tutorials
> Out of interest, I was wondering whether anyone has seen the new TI ASM
tutorials for the
> TI-83 Plus? What do you guys think of them? Lemme see if I can find a
> http://www.ti.com/calc/docs/sdktechinfo.htm
> Later,
> James.
> - James Matthews
> Generation5: http://www.generation5.org/
> "...At the forefront of Artificial Intelligence..."