Re: A83: Linking
Re: A83: Linking
On the 09/08/2000, Greez Sebastian wrote:
>To all of you with link problems:
>I think there are two solutions for your problem concerning the
>- You could do a checkbit after each transmission which has to be sent back
to the sending calculator, and if it >isn't correct, a retransmisson has to
be taken.
>- Or you could simply slow down linkspeed. But I think this wouldn't solve
the problem, it would only increase >the time before the error occures.
>I don't have code for linking, but I think the code from ZTETRIS would be
worth a look! That game has never >crashed while I was playing it!! Good
For you interest, the linking problem came from the very frequent exchanges
of date, it created noise which blocked the routines, the problem was solved
by putting a HALT in front of the routines and by reducing the main delay
Solignac Julien
Alias x1Cygnus