Re: A83: inc (HL) on the TI83


Re: A83: inc (HL) on the TI83

Please do.  It's impossible to keep speculating like this since the problem seems to be how that snippet works with the rest of the code rather than whether it works at all.

In a message dated Wed, 9 Aug 2000  5:01:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, "Frank Schoep" <> writes:

If nobody can figure out why I can't use this routine for counting, I will
send the source code of all the problems to you.

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: David Phillips <>
Aan: <>
Datum: woensdag 9 augustus 2000 7:38
Onderwerp: Re: A83: inc (HL) on the TI83

>Nah.  You want to load the address into HL.  You save some space:
>; 11 bytes
> ld a,(yPos)
> cp 56
> ret z
> inc a
> ld (yPos),a
> ret
>; 9 bytes
> ld hl,yPos
> ld a,(hl)
> cp 56
> ret z
> inc (hl)
> ret
>> of course the larger one that uses the accumulator (reg A) is preferred.
