Re: A83: TASM


Re: A83: TASM

What error message does TASM give? Have you also got DevPac83? Below is
the batch file that comes with ION:-

--Robin Kay--

@echo off
echo ----- Assembling %1 for the TI-83 Plus...
echo #define TI83P >temp.z80
if exist %1.z80 type %1.z80 >>temp.z80
if exist %1.asm type %1.asm >>temp.z80
tasm -80 -i -b temp.z80 %1.bin
if errorlevel 1 goto ERRORS
devpac83 %1
copy %1.83p %1.8xp >nul
echo ----- Assembling %1 for the TI-83...
echo #define TI83 >temp.z80
if exist %1.z80 type %1.z80 >>temp.z80
if exist %1.asm type %1.asm >>temp.z80
tasm -80 -i -b temp.z80 %1.bin
if errorlevel 1 goto ERRORS
devpac83 %1
echo ----- Success!
echo TI-83 version is %1.83p
echo TI-83 Plus version is %1.8xp
goto DONE
echo ----- There were errors.
del temp.z80 >nul
del %1.bin >nul

Kevin Harbin wrote:

> I made the asm.bat that ASMguru said to make and that didn't work,
> then I used one from another tutorial but it didn't work either.
> Nivek
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