A83: Sprite routine problems
A83: Sprite routine problems
Hello. I've been working on a 8x8 xor sprite routine to test my z80
skills. For some reason, the actual sprite wont display, so I'm hoping
one of you would be able to help me out. The code is as follows:
;Input: a-x coord, e-y coord, ix-sprite address
;Output: 8x8 XOR sprite written to 8e29h
ld hl,0
;*********Calculate addy in graphbuf********
sla e ;Do y*12
sla e
add hl,de
add hl,de
add hl,de
srl a ;Do x/8
srl a
srl a
ld d,0
ld e,a
add hl,de
ld de,8e29
add hl,de
ld b,00000111b
and b
cp 0 ;checks if sprite is aligned
jr z,Aligned_Sprite ;If so, goto aligned sprite bit
;********Non-aligned sprite blit starts here********
ld b,a ;Shift counter
ld c,8 ;Line counter
ld d,(ix+0)
push bc
srl d
rr e
djnz Shift_Loop
pop bc
ld a,d ;Write line to graphbuf
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld a,e
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
ld de,11
add hl,de
inc ix
dec c
jr nz,Line_Loop
;********Aligned sprite blit starts here********
ld c,16 ;Line counter
ld d,(ix+0)
ld a,d
xor (hl)
ld (hl),a
ld de,12
add hl,de
inc ix
dec c
jr nz,Aligned_Loop
If anyone can find what I did wrong, I'd really appreciate it. Thanx.
Pizza of Hut