Re: A83: WANTED: Harper Maddox
Re: A83: WANTED: Harper Maddox
In accordance with the prophecy, Olle Hedman uttered:
> that would work nice if the sprite was aligned. but mostly it isnt..
> actually, you mostly write two bytes for a 8pix wide sprite.. for a 16pix wide
> you would probably mostly write 3..
> you have to shift it right... (not the direction :) )
> If I had the motivation to think, maybe I could have helped.. but I dont..
> havent coded z80 in 3/4 year now.. dont own any 83 anylonger.. so I dont have
> much of motivation :)
> geez.. i hardly havn't coded anything in a long time now..
> got to get a grip.. hm.
> or maybe I should sleep instead of writing off topic garbage on mailinglists..
> hm.
> //Olle
Learn how to code INTERCAL. It kicks ass. After reading the docs you don't
really feel like programming anything at all for the rest of your life. =)
- Linus Akesson ------------------------- -
::: :::. :.:: :. ::.. : :... ::.: ::. :::: :.:. :: :..: :.. :.: :....
Again, why did the chicken cross the road?
And God came down from the heavens, and He said unto the chicken,
"Thou shalt cross the road." And the chicken crossed the road,
and there was much rejoicing.