Re: A83: 83 Disassembler
Re: A83: 83 Disassembler
> There is still problems with that. If I put one byte of data between a
> routine then the rest of the code would be disassembled incorrectly.
> routine1:
> ld a,3
> ret
> .db $FE
> routine2:
> ld a,4
> ret
> would be disassembled as:
> ld a,4
> ret
> cp $3E
> inc b
> ret
Well the LD A,4 is pretty unreal I think. :)
Anyways, no. The disassembler has no jump-refer to the adress with the #FE
on it (it HAS for the next adress). So the data inbetween should, especially
in this case, be recognized as data.
Oh, and by the way, to make things more complicated, some programs (very few
or maybe even none... the point is that it's possible) jump _inside_ an
instruction. So they use the effect described by you above ON PURPOSE.
However, in that case there has to be a label "routine2a" before the DB.
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