Re: A83: Re: Re: Re: TI-83+ Game Testers
Re: A83: Re: Re: Re: TI-83+ Game Testers
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 21:14:27 -0600, David Phillips wrote:
>It might be technically breaking the law, but I personally don't see any
>problem with it. If you legitimately need a rom for programming, send me
>ICQ message and we'll work something out (no, I am not distributing ROM
>images! search the ACZ site for info on roms, though).
>By producing software for a calc, you are helping sales of the calculator.
>There is no chance you would buy an 83+ if you already had an 83, just to
>program for it, right? So are they losing money because you are using a
>image to test programs? No.
What's your ICQ number?
James Vernon
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