Re: A83: Re: two preesing questions


Re: A83: Re: two preesing questions

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I can tell you a way to solve most of
your problems like that: tripple buffering.  I'm sure everyone knows what
double buffering is, like in Sqrxz, where you draw everything to an off
screen buffer then copy it to the video memory when it's done, so there's no
flicker.  Well, hmm, this is an 83, so there is no video memory.  So you
always do double buffering, instead of copying you just call the buffer copy

Now, tripple buffering, this is where things get easy.  You draw your
background map or whatever you want to the map or tripple buffer.  Every
frame, you copy this buffer to the main or double buffer, which effectively
erases all your sprites and anything else.  You'd draw your text to the
map/tripple buffer as well.  Then, redraw all your sprites.  No more keeping
track of where they are, saving the background behind them, erasing them,
etc.  Just erase and redraw every frame.  Easy, eh?  Granted, it's not as
fast with only one or two sprites, but if you get about five or six (just
estimates, I haven't counted cycles because I don't think it's quite
accurate anyway) sprites, it all runs the same speed and won't bog down.

> No, no, no, what I mean is when it draws to the screen the info on screen
is not
> in the buffer, so when I use a sprite routine it reads and edits the
> then sends it to the screen. To keep this from erasing text I need to copy
> least part of the info on screen to the buffer. Anyone get this?
