Re: A83: Re: Assembly-83 Digest V1 #842


Re: A83: Re: Assembly-83 Digest V1 #842

In accordance with the prophecy, Laurens Holst uttered:

>> Also, program writeback, I NEED this in my
>> program, but I can't seem to figure it out. I don't like using

> Every byte in your program you change will be automatically written back by
> any shell (which is, you have to admit, the only fitting environment on
      ^^^^^                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> TI-calculator to write ASM programs in). So if you change data in your
> program it will be automatically read back the next time. Very useful
> indeed!

Bzzzt! I've never written any shell-based programs for the TI-83. Never felt
the need for a shell, not even to use one. I know some people don't agree,
but this is my opinion, and the fact that I have that opinion nullifies your

> - Instead of using BIT 0,A use RRA or RRCA

Might be useful at times, but it trashes a.

> - Use EX AF,AF' and EXX!!! Only 4 T-states while PUSH and POP are 11 and
> 10!!!

And crash on every interrupt. The TI-83 interrupt handler uses af', bc', de'
and hl'. I wouldn't recommend trusting that they stay the same if you change
them from your main program.

> just keep staring at your source for an hour

Agreed! =)

> 1. programs are 'squished' (that means they are in binary form; each byte
> represents the corresponding code: an un'squished' program on the TI takes
> at least two bytes for every byte), and

True for zasmload too, and isn't very hard to do yourself if you want to have
your own loader.

> 4. shells have nice looks, can run programs very easily (no
> send(9prgmBLABLA),

Which is easier: prgmGAME
              or prgmA -> select Game -> [Y=] ?

> and most people instantly dump games NOT written for a
> shell (I have to confess I am one of them).

I do it the other way around.

> 5. ZASMLOAD is THE program to lock your calculator. Ever tried to run a
> Basic-program with it? Since I have no ZASMLOAD anymore my calculator hasn't
> crashed for... well, a very long time.

Any facts to back this up? I reckon zasmload is one of the most stable ti-83
programs there is.

> Yuk. Z80 is tha bomb!!! 30 years old but still up and running.
> PS. can you show me some example of 68k code?

        move.l    4.w,a6
        suba.l    a1,a1
        jsr    _LVOFindTask(a6)

        move.l    d0,a0
        move.l    #mytaskname,LN_NAME(a0)

daloop        moveq    #-1,d0
        move.l    4.w,a6
        jsr    _LVOWait(a6)
        move.l    dosbase(pc),a6
        move.l    #opskel,d1
        lea    opparm(pc),a0
        move.l    d0,(a0)
        move.l    a0,d2
        jsr    _LVOVPrintf(a6)
        btst    #7,$bfe001
        bne.s    daloop


opparm        dc.l    0

opskel        dc.b    "%08.lx",10,0


   - Linus Akesson ------------------------- -
   ::: :::. :.:: :. ::.. : :... ::.: ::. :::: :.:. :: :..: :.. :.: :....

         Sometimes you're the winshield, sometimes you're the bug.

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