Re: A83: 83 Disassembler


Re: A83: 83 Disassembler

In accordance with the prophecy, Jimmy Conner uttered:

>   I currently have a 83 Disassembler in beta testing.
> (Nearly done) It works fine except when it comes to
> .db statements.  There is no sure way to know if what
> you are looking at is a .db (.dw ect..) statement or
> code.

>  Anyone have any ideas on how to tell the difference
> between code and a .db statement??

> Jimmy Conner

Nope, you can't tell. In my disassembler I solved it this way:

xxxx: yy instruction
xxxx: yy
xxxx: yy instruction
xxxx: yy instruction

and so on. xxxx is an address, yy is the byte at that address, and
instruction is the disassembled stuff.


   - Linus Akesson ------------------------- -
   ::: :::. :.:: :. ::.. : :... ::.: ::. :::: :.:. :: :..: :.. :.: :....

         A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
