Re: A83: Stranded save games
Re: A83: Stranded save games
In accordance with the prophecy, James Vernon uttered:
> Hey Linus, I finished Stranded yesterday and it was great!! The only problem
> is the lack of save game feature mentioned earlier - couldn't this be fixed
> by making the game SOS or Ion compatible?
> James Vernon
As I don't really like the way SOS handles certain things (don't know about
Ion), I won't code for it. I'm sure you refer to the fact that SOS uses
program writeback, but when it comes to stranded it isn't that simple. You
see, the data in zstrandz is packed, and not all of it is loaded at once.
Game data is constantly being swapped in and out of local unpacking buffers
etc., in other words, Stranded has its own memory management routines. And
zstrandy, zstrandz and stranded can obviously be transfered to the calc in
any order.
Now, when it comes to saving games, I did have that in mind. However, memory
restrictions were rather pressing, and I really wanted to leave some free
memory (for e.g. lists and graph equations). I figured that a few more
puzzles was a more important thing to include than a save function. It wasn't
an easy decision to make.
- Linus Akesson ------------------------- -
::: :::. :.:: :. ::.. : :... ::.: ::. :::: :.:. :: :..: :.. :.: :....
If your feet smell and your nose runs - you're built upside down.