Re: A83:advice


Re: A83:advice wrote:

> I just wanted to say something about the difference between _fomreal and
> _DispOp1a because it might help sometime.  _formreal takes the number in Op1
> and converts it into a string with a length of the value in a and moves it
> int Op3 and Op4.  _DispOp1a takes the number in Op1 and displays a string
> with a length of the value a.  Here is the difference:
> ;*********Using formreal*********
> ;values already loaded into PenRow / PenCol
> ld a,8
> call _formreal
> ld hl, op3
> call _vputs
> ;********Using Dispop1a*********
> ;values already loaded into PenRow / PenCol
> ld a,8
> call _DispOp1a
> It depends on what you want to do, but both of the two above routines display
> eight digits of the value in Op1 at the location of PenRow,PenCol.  I hope
> this helps.
> Ted

Do you really mean penrow and pencol? It is in small letters right?
Also, do I have to keep the values displayed after drawing to the screen using
say, a sprite routine, would I need to save the current plotscreen data to to

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