Re: A83:advice
Re: A83:advice
In a message dated 10/6/99 3:14:08 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:
> In my casino program I'm doing, I need a way to keep track of money, but
> I want the value to be limitless. I was thinking I would use op6 for
> this, since the op's can contain fp numbers. Do I have to do this to
> achieve this effect? Is it a good idea? Would I have to format the fp
> number for display ( _formreal)?
> Please, any input would be appreciated.
Its a good idea to store your money value in Floating Point form, but dont
keep it in OP6, because there are routines that mess OP6 up... You should use
OP1 & OP2 to initially create your floating point value, and to do FP
Operations with, and then store the number to another place in Ram where its
safe, or directly into your program incase you want the amount even after you
exit the program... About formatting and displaying, I have never used
_formreal, and I dont quite understand the Input and Output for it, but I
think using _dispop1a would be just fine...