Re: A83: Re: zasmload
Re: A83: Re: zasmload
In accordance with the prophecy, Hannes Edfeldt uttered:
>> BTW, is Olle or Movax around?
>> James.
> Hi there James!
> Yeah, I still check this list now and then... not that often though as
> you can see (Linus scared me away =) ).
> Hope to catch you on ICQ soon!
> //Hannes
Awwwww, me not dangerous...
- Linus Akesson ------------------------- -
::: :::. :.:: :. ::.. : :... ::.: ::. :::: :.:. :: :..: :.. :.: :....
K: (n., adj.) a binary thousand, which isn't a decimal thousand or even
really a binary thousand (which is eight), but is the binary number closest
to a decimal thousand. This has proven so completely confusing that is has
become a standard.