A83: Re: Binary/Hex/Octal on calc?


A83: Re: Binary/Hex/Octal on calc?

> Hi all,
> I was flicking through ti83plus.inc (as ya do...) and I came across these
> flags:
> fmtFlags equ 10  ;numeric format flags
> fmtExponent equ   0  ; 1=show exponent, 0=no exponent
> fmtEng  equ   1  ; 1=engineering notion, 0=scientific
> fmtHex  equ   2  ; 1=hexadecimal
> fmtOct  equ   3  ; 1=octal
> fmtBin  equ   4  ; 1=binary
> Can you change the base on the calculator?...or do you have to use an asm
> program to do it.

Nope, but as TI states, most of this data is directly taken from the ROM's
sources. And in development-stage these adresses tend to change sometimes
(well actually they are probably already fixed since the TI-82, but they
still use parts of the TI-82 source for the TI-83+).


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