Re: A83: Way OT: emacs, imacs, and unix.
Re: A83: Way OT: emacs, imacs, and unix.
In accordance with the prophecy, Nathan Gaylinn uttered:
> Olle Hedman wrote:
>> Nathan Gaylinn wrote:
>>> Being that I don't like Macs, I must tell you this:
>>> When my cousin's friend who knows nothing about computers had a problem
>>> w/ an emac, she called the hotline for help. The first question the guy
>>> on the phone asked was "what color is your emac?" as it turns out the
>>> purple emacs are much more prone to technical problems than all other
>>> colors! Isn't that screwed up? :)
>> you mean an iMac?
>> that wasn't what we discussed, we discussed the multi-tool program
>> just-happen-to-also-be texteditor emacs. (It started as a texteditor, but now,
>> you can do almost all your computerwork in it. I have heard roumors of people
>> using emacs as a shell :)
>> Personally I have nothing against any computerplatform. although the one I have
>> cursed the most, must be iMacs. (thoose imac mice for example.. must be the most
>> unergonomic mouse I have ever encounterd. including the VAX mouse, that is like
>> a sphere cut in half with buttons on. the imac mouse is just to small.. nothing
>> for a big guy as myself :))
>>> How would I go about setting up a Unix system? I love the idea of more
>>> control over the comp, but don't know squat about Unix. Would I need a
>>> new computer?
>> You dont need a new computer. you can run some kind of unix-like system on
>> almost any modern homecomputer (and a lot of not so modern to)
>> For Linux, check out theese urls:,
>>, and for BSD systems, theese:
>> //Olle
> sorry, duh, I know nothing of Imacs, so I thought emac :) I sound like an idiot, oh
> well.
Just out of curiosity... is it possible that you were also mistaken about the
colour? AFAIK, the only imac being different than the others would be the
blue one, which was introduced first of all. Then they revised the
motherboard, and after that, the other colours appeared.
- Linus Akesson ------------------------- -
::: :::. :.:: :. ::.. : :... ::.: ::. :::: :.:. :: :..: :.. :.: :....
Syntactic sugar leads to cancer of the semicolon.
-- Alan Perlis