A83: OT: emacs
A83: OT: emacs
I guess you like what you learned on. I learned everything on a PC,
so I don't like Macs period, my cousin however won't use anything but a
Being that I don't like Macs, I must tell you this:
When my cousin's friend who knows nothing about computers had a problem
w/ an emac, she called the hotline for help. The first question the guy
on the phone asked was "what color is your emac?" as it turns out the
purple emacs are much more prone to technical problems than all other
colors! Isn't that screwed up? :)
Nothing against Mac users, just statin' my opinion
How would I go about setting up a Unix system? I love the idea of more
control over the comp, but don't know squat about Unix. Would I need a
new computer?
"What, behind the rabbit?"-King Arthur
The Heat Index Nathang@firstva.com