Re: A83: About the Zilog Developer Studio....
Re: A83: About the Zilog Developer Studio....
Heh, I guess context sensitive help for every instruction and hundreds of
rom calls from inside an IDE is a bad thing. So is color coding, built in
sprite editor and one click compile-and-send-to-calc. Yeah, I like notepad
too :)
This is in no way a flame. I completely understand wanting to do everything
with a plain vanilla text editor (I guess that's why there's VI and Emacs :)
But if there is a tool that will let you have the same control but allow you
to work 2-10 times faster, making less mistakes and providing you with help
and everything else (that you might otherwise have to purchase as a separate
1000 page $45 book that sits on your shelf), why not use it? I used to
write all HTML in Notepad. And then I was introduced to HomeSite /
ColdFusion Studio. This allowed me to write HTML and CFML probably 5-10
times faster than I could have without it. Instead of looking up tags and
function names in books, just hit F1. With something as convoluted as HTML,
color coding is extremely important, as you can almost immediately see where
you screwed something up (assuming you at least partially indent and write
fairly clean code).
Finding the right tool for the job is VERY important to being a successful
developer. Sure, it may take you six months to write a free asm game for a
calculator, but that won't cut it in the real world. You don't make $20 an
hour coding if you can't produce results.
Hrmm, ok, enough with the speech.
> I would agree with you... but nowadays (like I am so old) people have
> "studios" to work in. HA! I laugh in the face of them :>