Re: A83: Help!


Re: A83: Help!

> The TI-89 is more like a palm PC
> and less like a graphing calc, that's
> what makes it so much cooler.With
> Shells like Doors OS and PlusShell, I
> think it is very much like a mini PC. Add
> a built-in speaker and some kind of
> modem (ha!) and that would be the
> perfect calc (or should I say mini-PC)
> -Steve AKA Fuzmeister

you *are* aware that you sent this message to the 83 assembly list.  And if
you dont think that the 83 can act as a PDA, try Florent's sound program and
Justin Karneges Telnet83 and you can run a cellular modem with sound.


Follow-Ups: References: