Re: A83: Easyest way to start learning
Re: A83: Easyest way to start learning
I'll get to the on-topic stuff first to prevent anyone from complaining :P
Does anyone know of a z80 assembler for Linux? I need one (and I don't want
to write one, of course that option comes before going back to Windows...).
Now, a little off-topic flame material!
Everyone knows (and most disagree with) my opinions regarding calculators, so
here are some of my computer beliefs:
I would buy a Mac as my next computer if I were planning on getting a desktop.
I've used this stupid Wintel CISC x86 line too long. Linux is an improvement
over Windows as far as speed and stability is concerned, but I believe a
"real" processor such as the POWER series would be even better (running Linux
of course, though I hear that MacOS is more stable than Windows... not that
that takes much).
Oh well, it's been my experience that one is biased toward what one has. I'm
just a little too liberal perhaps.
Joe Wingbermuehle
Jesse McInturff wrote:
> ><sigh> My advise, buy a _real_ computer first.
> woooooha dont you DARE DIS MY MAC. i love this thing i am 15 and i bought
> this thing last year with my own saved money. althow caz sucks i can get
> them assembled. (i have a friend with a pc, i can e-mail my code to him and
> have him compile it and send back the program) the only bad thing about
> this is that i cant get guru.
> now lets keep this mac friendly