Re: A83: link routine


Re: A83: link routine

<> wrote:

> On 23-May-99, you wrote:
> > I'm using the _IO_EXEC link routine in a prog but there is a big problem :
> > if there is no calculator connected to the link port, there is an error
> > which make my program crash and I can't reload it. So I wonder if there is a
> > routine to know if a calc is connected to the linkport or if the _IO_EXEC
> > instruction have an option (set in ASM_IND_CALL) which don't return an error
> > if there is no response.
> > Thanks
> > Cédric


How are you all managing to play about with link stuff?

Do you all own two calcs? (how much money do you have!) or 
has someone finally found a way to do link stuff with a 
single calc - pheraps through emulation...


Bill J Ellis

Bill James Ellis
Heriot-Watt University

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