Re: A83: A msprite routine
Re: A83: A msprite routine
>From: "the homonerdicus" <>
>Subject: A83: A msprite routine
>Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 15:41:58 PDT
>Hi people ....
>This is a routine for the 82 for drawing sprites
>What should I change so it works for the 83
>The sprite data is in ix and the first 4 bites are the size
>Is there another sprite routine for the 83 that is faster than this one ...
>for LARGE sprites...
I don't know how fast this is but check out my sprite routine. I think its
faster, and it's smaller. It's called "Pluto Sprite" Under ti-83 routine on
I need to update my routine with my newer ver. Be alert. It's around 1692
clocks MAX in 8x8 sprite. Look at my code and make your sprite routine
faster :)
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