A83: A msprite routine
A83: A msprite routine
Hi people ....
This is a routine for the 82 for drawing sprites
What should I change so it works for the 83
The sprite data is in ix and the first 4 bites are the size
Is there another sprite routine for the 83 that is faster than this one ...
for LARGE sprites...
push de
ld a,d
and 7
ld hl,offsets_table
ld c,a
ld b,0
add hl,bc
ld a,(hl)
ld (wsmc1+1),a
ld (wsmc2+1),a
ld a,e
add a,a
add a,e
add a,a
rl b
add a,a
rl b
srl d
srl d
srl d
add a,d
jr nc,n1
inc b
n1: ld c,a
add hl,bc
ld d,(ix)
ld b,(ix+1)
woloop: push bc ;Save # of rows
push hl ;Save screen address
ld b,d ;Load width
ld c,(ix+2) ;Load one line of image
inc ix
wsmc1 ld a,1 ;Load pixel mask
wiloop: sla c ;Test leftmost pixel
jr nc,wnoplot ;See if a plot is needed
ld e,a ;OR pixel with screen
or (hl)
ld (hl),a
ld a,e
wnoplot: rrca
jr nc,wnotedge ;Test if edge of byte
inc hl ;Go to next byte
wsmc2: cp 1
jr z,wover_1
djnz wiloop
pop hl ;Restore address
ld bc,12 ;Go to next line
add hl,bc
pop bc ;Restore data
djnz woloop
wover_1: ld c,(ix+2)
inc ix
djnz wiloop
dec ix
pop hl
ld bc,12
add hl,bc
pop bc
djnz woloop
pop de
PS. I could help with pokemon ... mostly graphics ... and Ideas
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