A83: Re:
A83: Re:
On Mon, 17 May 1999 15:55:09 +1000, Cameron McCormack wrote:
>I notice people are using routines like _ParseInp and stuff which I've
>heard of before. I'm still just using the routines listed in TI's
>documentation -- is it just people have discovered these routines and not
>told everyone, or have I not been taking notice?
>I see also that I don't know some of the ASM_IND_CALL functions -- I just
>know it for the link routines. I've seen though some people use them for
>getting input (like it was a Input "",Str1 or something). Can anyone tell
>me these functions?
Here is a couple of bits from James Matthew's ASMGURU. I recommend you
download this help file, as it's a must for all ASM programmers.
;you know what to put here..
PGMIO_EXEC equ 50B2h
.org 9327h
call _clrLCDFull
ld de,821ch ;put the prompt here
ld hl,prompt
ld bc,16 ;length of prompt, max = 16
ld a,0 ;code for STRING input
call PGMIO_EXEC ;defined in squish.inc
push bc
push de
push hl
call _clrLCDFull
call _homeup
ld hl,Yourname
call _puts
call _newline
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
ex de,hl ;hl is start of string data
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
ld b,(hl)
inc hl ;bc is length of string
ld a,b
or c ;length = 0 ?
ret z ;return if so
push bc
ld a,(hl) ;get a character
call _putc
pop bc
dec bc
ld a,b
or c ;done yet?
inc hl ;
jr nz,loop ;no -> loop back
call _newline
prompt: .db "Name: ",0
yourname: .db "Your name is",0
All tutorials Copyright (c) James Matthews 1998, unless specified.
This code will prompt for you name and then print it out. This next one asks
for a number:
;same start again....
PGMIO_EXEC equ 50B2h
_formDisp equ 4D0Eh
.org 9327h
ld de,821ch
ld hl,prompt
ld bc,16
ld a,1
call _formDisp
prompt: .db "Num: ",0
All tutorials Copyright (c) James Matthews 1998, unless specified.
Hope that helps you. Remember to download the ASMGURU file from:
See ya round,
James Vernon
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